5 Minutes with Eline Syrdalen | La Michaux #7

Interview Eline Syrdalen  - La Michaux swimwear

5 Minutes with Eline Syrdalen| La Michaux

Get ready to meet Norwegian model Eline Syrdalen and learn more about Eline’s pros and cons modeling experiences, mindful eating, how to take control of your own life and many more...



Hi Eline,

Thank you for joining our little questionnaire Please tell us… Who’s Eline Syrdalen?

I currently live in Oslo, Norway, where I was born and raised. I m just starting to get settled into my new apartment here.

I am a very active person, who loves being outdoor, in nature. I love sports and any activities, I’m a really creative person, who gets filled with positivity and happiness whenever I do anything creative, that can be decorating my food bowl , doing some fun make up, styling an outfit or acting in a tiktok movie.
I have been modeling for about 10 years, but recently spending more time on my own projects and social media, especially now with the covid situation, it’s easier to work from home. I’m also really intrested in nutrition, and how mental health can effect our bodies, one day I wanna help others to see the value of what a “healthy life” can do to your brain. So I started studie nutrition online.
I’m sharing some health recipes and IgTvs from once in a while on my web elinesyrdalen.com or on my instagram.

How did you start your modeling career?

I started when I was about 16, in Oslo where I grow up, really small jobs, some fashion shows, and test shoots, and I slowly started to build up a book. Then I got scouted by an agency in Paris and first summer after finishing school I went there to try out modeling Full Time.


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@lamichaux 🤍

Een bericht gedeeld door Eline Syrdalen (@elinesyrdalen) op

 ( Wearing the MUSCARI one piece)

What do you love the most about your job?

I love the way I get to see and travel the world, meet new people and cultures. Learn and grow in ways I never thought I would. I truly believe traveling is the best education. 

What kind of challenging situations do you experience as being a model?

Everyone fights their own battles, absolutely everyone goes threw storms in life, but most of the time it doesn’t show on social media. - Eline

Hmm, sometimes I am feeling judged, mostly out of superficial pictures from social media or just people who don’t understand the job and believe you are stupid just because of your work as a model. I have heard the worst rumors about myself back in my hometown, I think that some people assume things because they don’t realize social media is just a polished picture of any model, or influencers everyday life. Everyone fights their own battles, absolutely everyone goes threw storms in life, but most of the time it doesn’t show on social media. 

That’s so true, how do you cope with them? What do you like to do for feeling better when you’ve had an ‘off day’?

I tell myself that life is too short to really care. As long as my friends laugh at silly rumors and know who I am and what I stand for, I shouldn’t worry too much about what people who don’t know me think or say behind my back, we can't please everyone, that’s just life.
On a bad day, I am telling that to myself too, sometimes it can be draining strolling down ur feed seeing everyone else seem so happy, those days, I like to put away my phone and listen to a self-reflecting podcast and go for a walk in nature, hang out or see a close friend. 
Like my mom always say, we are in charge of our own happiness. No one can do something about your life situation, or your mood, only yourself are in charge of that.

Absolutely, you and only you in control of your own life, I had to think of this quote: “ Don’t take criticism from someone you would never go to for advice”.
What advice would you give to women to feel good in their skin?

Everyone should pay closer attention to what people who makes you energized, and what people who make you drained. Surrounding yourself with the right kind of people will also make you more confident, I also truly believe that confidence starts from within, with knowing who we are and being kind. - Eline

To feel good in your own skin, starts with no one but you. Your attitude towards yourself and towards life. The way we represent ourselves to others, is the way they will see us. Confidence is always the best thing a woman can wear, put on a smile and talk to yourself like your own best friend. When negative feelings come along, teach yourself to kick them out of your head. 

Honestly, I think all women have issues and things we deal with in our daily life, Rather it is family, relationships, work relations, or other issues, what I learned so far in life, is that the people you surround yourself with have a huge impact of your mood and your motivation. Make sure you have your own mastermind group. This is a small group of people you know always got the best intentions for you, and always want you to succeed.
Everyone should pay closer attention to what people who makes you energized, and what people who make you drained. Surrounding yourself with the right kind of people will also make you more confident, I also truly believe that confidence starts from within, with knowing who we are and being kind. 

What life advice would you give to your younger self at this moment?

Shoot, I would slap young Eline in the face and tell her to dear to shine brighter and fuck what people say or think. I was so insecure and had the worst confidence when I was younger. I loved to sing, dance, and act. But was always too insecure to go to the audition for the school theaters etc.

Hahaha “ I would slap her in the face “, but I feel you though. As you grow older you realize that you’ve to be happy with yourself in the present moment and let people judge or be wrong about you, there’s nothing to prove.

How do you like to spend your free time? We’ve seen you post a lot of cooking recipes?

Yes. Love cooking, It's like therapeutic to me, if you haven’t heard of mindful eating, go look it up. We live in a high paste life, no one sits down anymore, everyone is rushing around, eating on the go, being on our phones, you name it. I'm not saying people should every day because I know most people don’t have time, but at least, once a week, make a proper meal sit down, and be present. It's those little things in life, realizing we are actually lucky to have food on the table and be present with our meals.



Mindful eating… I’m definitely looking that one up, great tip. I'm currently really focussing on being in the present moment.

Last, but not least, ready for our Question Roulette?


If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Flying <3

Beach or Pool? 

Which design of La Michaux is your favorite?  
The classic “Mallow white lace” bikini

Favorite sport? X-country skiing and boxing

Favorite quote?  All you need is love, love is all you need <3

Night in or a night out?   Night in

Heels or sneakers? Sneakers

Last message from you to our La Michaux community?

Please stay safe and be kind to one and other <3 Keep up the hard work, cause that’s always what pays off.

Thank you so much, Eline! I really loved your honest and open answers, very inspiring to hear.
Can’t wait to follow your epic journey while wearing La Michaux.

Much love,

Sarah Michaux


Click the images below to shop Eline’s favorite La Michaux bikini's:


eline syrdalen la michaux

eline syrdalen la michaux


eline syrdalen la michaux mallow

eline syrdalen la michaux


boho red eline syrdalen


muscari one piece

1 commentaire

  • Silke

    What a kind woman! She’s gorgeous 😍

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