5 Minutes with Lada Kravchenko | La Michaux #2

Interview Lada K  - La Michaux swimwear

5 Minutes with Lada Kravchenko | La Michaux #2

Lada Kravchenko, a Russian bombshell who has been the face of Guess, Triumph, L’Oréal and many others. Being on multiple covers of Playboy, Elle, L’Officiel, and Grazia is only a little summary of Lada’s portfolio.
However, if you have a look at her Instagram pictures @lada_k, you will notice that she always wears La Michaux on holiday.

She doesn’t only has the looks, but also the inner beauty and strength to give our La Michaux community the welcome inspiration nowadays.



Dream away with Lada and get to know her better with: “ 5 Minutes with La Michaux".

Hi Lada,

We’ve been in contact since the beginning of La Michaux and before we start, I want to say thank you for joining us and for always supporting the brand.
How are you doing during the lockdown in NYC?

Hi, thank you so much for doing this interview with me.
I know that the whole world is struggling nowadays, but I think it’s important to continue doing our best and maintain mental health just as much as physical.
So I work with my therapist a lot, train, eat healthy and finally got a chance to study French and take on a psychology course.

Absolutely, you’re right. I think the biggest struggle for a lot of people is the mental aspect and it’s so important to talk about it while keeping yourself busy with learning new things.

Why did you choose to live in NYC? What do you like so much about the city?

I chose to live in New York many years ago when it was essential for my career as a model. A lot has changed since then, but I still love this city for the vibrance and tons of energy. There’s definitely no other place like New York.

Lada in NYC wearing La Michaux

(wearing MALLOW white top - La Michaux)

New York is definitely on my bucketlist, can’t wait to visit when this lockdown is over.

What’s your vision on COVID-19? What do you think the impact will be on for example people’s behavior?

I think COVID-19 is a tragedy and kind of a natural disaster. We can’t really do anything about it, we can’t control it. So the best one can do is to take care of oneself, it’s family and the community. Let’s not forget a Darwin theory - It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. 

Let’s adapt in a smart way, follow the government’s guidelines and remember to take what’s happening as an opportunity to grow.

I love that Darwin theory, it has really been the survival of the fittest.

By the way, we’ve been watching some of your live videos and workouts that you’re currently posting on Instagram.

How was it cutting your hair? Weren’t you super nervous to do it in a live video?

Haha thank you for keeping up with my Instagram and the live hair cutting:).
I’m a very adventurous person, so when I’ve got an idea to cut my hair I just thought to share the thrill and fun of it with my followers. If it went bad they could laugh with me, if not - they could use the video as a how-to guide. A win-win situation for everyone.

 Lada wearing La Michaux

Talking about being adventurous, are there any new subjects or topics coming up? 

New subjects or topics on my Instagram - I get ideas from my everyday life. Recently I watched quite a few good movies and TV shows on feminism, so I want to speak more about that. I hope my audience will be ready and willing to support me in this.

With no doubt, we will be there supporting for you and I’m sure plenty of others will as well.

You’re an inspiration for a lot of women. What advice would you give to women to feel good in their skin?

I know it might sound weird to some, but I was struggling to feel good in my skin my whole life. I know what it is to feel too skinny, too fat, too stupid or too smart, to feel worthless or not fitting. Unfortunately, being a woman means being oppressed many times in multiple situations. The best thing you can do to help yourself is to seek the guidance of the psychologist, to remember that you’re not alone, and to give yourself more voice step by step. Be yourself and be a little less scared every day.


( wearing FOXY FANTASY - La Michaux)

Thank you for being so honest about that, I’m sure the modeling industry isn’t  easy and you may definitely be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished.

Let’s dream away a bit…  How does your favorite vacation look like?

My favorite vacation would be someplace tropical with a lot of coconuts and dancing

 Lada Kravchenko wearing La Michaux

(wearing PANDAWA- La Michaux)

How do you prepare yourself for a day at the beach? What are your beach essentials?

My beach essentials include (but are not limited to) La Michaux bikini, a book to read, some oil for my hair and body, SPF mist and a partner in crime of course!

Yaayy, La Michaux for the win & that partner in crime, definitely a good essential as well :).

What kind of activities or sports do you like to do on holiday?

During holidays I don’t like to go to the gym but instead, I swim a lot, ride horses, go on hikes and dance all night long.

 Lada wearing the boho red bikini La Michaux

 (wearing BOHO red - La Michaux)

Do you like to read books as well? Which one can you recommend to us?

YES! Books are my favorite. Read Silk by Alessandro Baricco. Reading it is like drinking an exquisite wine.


And who doesn’t like to drink a good glass of wine :)..

Last, but not least, ready for our Question Roulette?


Favorite holiday destination?
Anywhere exotic. From Brazil to Cambodia.

Beach or Pool? Beach.

Your favorite swimwear brand? Do I even have to say it? Lol.

Haha exactly, which design of La Michaux is your favorite? I love Boho in red and Mallow white bikini.

Favorite quote? Never choose - take it all.

Night in or a night out? Night out.

Vodka or Tequila? Champagne:)

I can’t live without..? Some sunshine and the sea.

Last message from you to our La Michaux community?

Dare to be uncompromisingly, truthfully yourself and always have faith. I love you❤️


Aaa so much love to give! We love you too, stay safe and healthy and keep us updated about all your adventures in La Michaux.

Much love,

Sarah Michaux

 Click the images below to shop Lada's favorite La Michaux bikini's:


Lada wearing La Michaux


Lada wearing La Michaux


Lada wearing La Michaux


Lada wearing La Michaux


7 commentaires

  • Anna

    Can’t wait for my bikinis to arrive!!!

  • Elke

    Nouuu het kan precies je zus zijn!

  • Marie V.

    classy Lada.. loving it!

  • Tim

    Sarah Michaux & her women tribe. Can I join :-) ?

  • John

    I want more of this…

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